Monday, August 26, 2024

About Oasis

The news that Oasis may or may not be reforming fills me, as Peter Cook put it, with inertia. That said, the varying responses from those who were around in the 1990s does rather reinforce my belief that Britpop was in fact two parallel movements, one populated by people whose first musical memory was Bowie, the other by pre-pubescent Slade fans. (And as Lester Bangs said of Slade, when they were trying to crack America, “Sure they’re the new Beatles – they’re all Ringo.”)

PS: Lifted from the Threads (I joined this week) account of a vicar (you meet the strangest people): 

The great thing about their songs is you'd learn the lyrics after hearing them once. That is a gift Noel Gallagher has.

But is it, though? A great thing, a gift, whatever?

PPS: There’s been acres (or however we measure it now) of coverage given over to the news, but this takedown by Simon Price is probably the best thing to appear: 

...nothing but a sludgy, trudgy, brontosaurus-bottomed waddle, perfect for that adult nappy gait so beloved of their singer and fans.

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