I've just noticed that, thanks to the odd format of that
Thai advert, edging beyond the right-hand margin of its post, anybody using Internet Explorer will have found my blogroll and archive and general gubbins shoved down to the lower depths of the page, only accessible to the sort of people who hang around in the cinema to discern the name of the Third Assistant Gerbil Wrangler.

By my calculations, with this post, the advert and its attendant complications should have gone over to the other side (as
Doris Stokes would have had it), so it seems appropriate to commemorate the return of the blogroll. I'm working on the basis that the blogosphere is really one enormous
Venn diagram: my blogroll has five names in common with X's blogroll, which has seven different names in common with Y's, and so on. What I want is for you to scroll down my list of lovelies, pick a site that you haven't visited before, go there and leave a message. (Note that a few of them aren't strictly blogs, so you get a second chance if you pick one of them.) It's up to you whether or not you describe in the comment box the route that took you there; or whether you come back and tell us where you went and what you thought of it; or, indeed, whether you put a similar suggestion on your own blog, if you have such a thing. But if you do, it could mean that the blogosphere stops looking like this:

and starts looking like this:

which can only be a good thing, surely?
I must have a mental age of 8, because everytime I hear "blogroll" I immediately think "bogroll" and titter.
Never mind, Billy, the word 'titter' has a similar effect on me.
More importantly, your post implies the evils of IE, which should be destroyed.
I've just posted a comment on a proper serious blog. God, I hope he doesn't pop round mine or he's a get a dose of hormonal self-pitying whinging.
I visited and posted in nowhere girl's interweb space.
I looked briefly at about a dozen blogs in your blogroll and came to the conclusion that my blog is nowhere near as good as any of them...
This is a good idea, have got used to quite a small world online, which kind of defeats the point of the internet.
So... clicked on my link neighbours - Simon Reynolds does not have comments. Shane Richmond is an editor for the Telegraph (ie proper professional) so my nerve failed me.
Tried to find someone who isn't already linked to most of my linkees. Failed.
Bah. May try again later.
I went to that link, Mrs Peel, and Safari crashed. There must be a moral in there somewhere.
Ah, Spinny, from you it's *classy* hormonal self-pitying whinging.
That's not the attitude, 9/10. I can think of at least one that's even worse than yours. ;-P
Oh give Shane a chance, Annie. He only got that tech job at the Telegraph because he's the only on the staff not still writing with quill pens.
Thanks Tim.... most encouraging.
Thats just the motivation I need to now systematically go through each blog on your roll and try to work out which one is worse than mine...
"I can think of at least one that's even worse than yours. ;-P"
You absolute *cunt* Footman.
And after I plugged your fucking book an' all.
That's the last time I come over here to offer a semiotic deconstruction of the Portsmouth's defence's inadequacies in the absence of the injured Sol Campbell...
p.s. I see he's signed an extension.
Yeah, one sock up is good Tim. Glass half full - that's the way.
I left a comment on "Chasms of the Earth" to inject a synergetic symbiotic feedback loop into your Venn driving model Tim. If we don't branch out to other worlds we'll disappear up our own bottoms like Oz.
I'll leave Bob and 9/10 to scrap that one out between them. A real six-pointer.
Hello Socky Molly. I prefer socks off and dangling your toes in a glass of vodka but, hey, diff strokes, etc.
Oh no, Murph! The blogosphere's sort of folded in on itself, like in City of Death. Or something.
I went to Fat Roland's blog, but then I remembered that I go there all the time (and so should everyone else, because it's very funny, and Fat Roland also has an awful lot to teach the world about Autechre and Mouse on Mars). But I did leave a comment, which I don't usually. And I also went to Ian Hocking's blog and read his excellent review of Flowers for Algernon, but I failed to leave a comment.
I'll try harder, shall I?
Fat Roland? Don't bother; he's a right tosswump.
Now how do I post anonymously... oh pants.
A real six pointer eh?
In that parlance, maybe I am the plucky upstart who has been promoted sooner than expected. On the other hand, my opponent could be the faded giant on the verge of a stunning comeback but currently experiencing difficulties...
Anyway, Bob's blog is great so I'm sure he's not battling away at the foot of the table like me...
So a blog Venn diagram will be a load of old pollacks?
Llewtrah: LOL, or as they used to express it in Carry On movies, a trombone with a mute - WAH WAH WAH WAAAAAHH.
Third Assistant Gerbil Wrangler.
First real laugh of the day. Thanks Tim :)
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