So please think of the following not as a laughing-at-comic-foreigner thing; but as an example of how a tangential relationship to language creates something that could be the blurb for a Philip K Dick novel, or an abstract of an address to a symposium on the metaphysics of urban life, or maybe even the writing on the back of a pack of rice crackers:
Inheritor of the rice cracker expert and under philosophy of being Tasty Healthy Rice Snack Leader, we want our classic and innovative Japanese rice crackers and chips to enter “borderless world” so we develop our products continuously to appeal to a younger, more casual generation. Though the rice snacks are products of culture yet ours are subtle blend of East and West taste.
"...we develop our products continuously to appeal to a younger, more casual generation..."
Sounds perfect for my grand daughter...she leaves crumbs everywhere.
Apparently this is very funny but I have no idea why:
ฉันเขียนเกี่ยวกับร้านอาหารและ curmudgeonly หน้าต่าง pop ดาวแต่มักจะแยกชิ้นบนกระดาษ
Imagining Christian Bale reading it makes it all serious and scary and apocalyptic.
For some reason, I am hearing that in the voice of Jeremy Clarkson.
Yes, but how about
שהביא קהל רחב יותר לספריו. כיום, יצירתו היא מהמוכרות ביותר ybbolB rM בסוגת המדע הבדיוני
It's the way they intone them, of course.
Dick: the image I have of your granddaughter leaves me unsure whether the crumbs come from her food, or from her.
Hysterical, Rog, but it’ll get you five years.
Or self-important, Boz.
Or gittish, Billy.
Oy, that Noel Edmonds, Christopher.
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