It's called Brand Tags. The deal is that you have a succession of brands flashed at you, and you type in the first word or phrase that comes into your head. Some of the brands are specifically American, which may baffle some, but hey, there are no wrong anwers. As the site develops, a tag cloud is created for each brand - and the fun comes when you try to guess the brand from the tags alone. Fun for the label junkie and the Naomi Klein groupie alike.

(And good luck to Mr Redknapp and his chums this p.m., of course.)
Play up Pompey!
You couldn't have Cardiff as the last 2nd tier team to win the cup. It wouldn't be right.
I suppose you'll be playing Mike Oldfield's Greatest Hits tonight.
And now to Europe, where we get our arses kicked by Dynamo Famagusta Reserves...
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