I do not know whether Claudia Lawrence Rrose Sélavy exists to any greater extent than the original
Rrose Sélavy, the female alter ego of Marcel Duchamp, lived and breathed. But the entity attained some level of digital realness, enough at least to become one of my virtual ‘friends’ (and the same goes for Mytho Geography and Hegemony Or Bust and agirlcalledTom and Fat Roland, so draw your own conclusions, send them in to the Gallery, sorry we can’t return any, but there’s a prize for each one we show).
Anyway, I don’t know where this photo came from – guessing London – but CLRS posted it on Facebook – which still comes up first if you put the word ‘book’ into Google – and it made me smile wryly, despite my current problems with some salt cod, so I leached it off her or him or it or them or whatever, and here it is:
I believe it's a billboard on Borough High Street, just as it passes under the railway bridge from London Bridge station.
I don't remember when though, as I pass that way every day on my way to work, so could have been anytime in the last 4 years
I saw someone attribute it to Banksy. You can even buy T-Shirts with it on, so that you can show how anti-market consumerist you are, holding out against being sold anything (Once you have parted with £12.50 of course!)
I detect a faint whiff of Benetton.
Ah yes, the joy of not being sold anything. Except the idea of not buying anything. As a fashion accessory.
Cynical? Moi?
At least the message continues on to the frame of the poster site, so it's not merely a space filling poster itself, designed to keep you watching the site.
Thanks, Steve. Yes, there's definitely something south of the river about it.
Sometimes, Rog, I think I love fake Banksys more than I love the man himself.
They've gone a bit quiet, haven't they, Dick? Maybe they had a fit of self-knowledge and realised that they make jumpers, not revolutions.
The commodification of dissent, Alistair? Unless someone's copyrighted the term...
But that could just be a way to make you think it's real graffiti, BWT.
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